Jul 26·edited Jul 26

A great effort ... and affirmation of the rot that has infested the halls of power. I also think that the egosentrism all costs covered, gravy train of the public service model must change.

They are public servants, paid for by taxpayers, yes they are taxpayers, but why do they need to be paying more tax than those of us that actually earn value for the economy from overseas simply put, why are they paid so much?. They have not added value, therefore they clearly should be made to pay all that wealth squandered on them back to the tax payer.

As a patient on an endless waiting list, well over a year now, I know that health services will not change in time for me personally. For my children and their children and their generations, I deeply and sincerly hope so. They are the primary tax payers in this country. They deserve better care, not the beuracratic morass we are drowning in at the moment.

As an observation, I will finish by saying, the situation where we have both private and public health services is in my view "un-kiwi" ... the NZ I grew up in, would not have countanenced such a non egalitarian manisfestation of inequality. And yet we have; by way of our political diffidence as glitzy promise swayed voters.

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Roger Douglas came up with a scheme back in the 70's that had everyone paying into a universal health insurance scheme. He was shot down by the likes of Palmer and Lange. If that scheme had have prevailed then every citizen would have had timely healthcare today. Such is the folly of politicians. Douglas was an accountant before all else..

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His flat tax would have made us the Switzerland of the Southern hemisphere ... Langes heritage wouldn't alow it.

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Cannot disagree.

My contribution to this conversation is limited by your thorough analysis and well written essay.

A single authority cancels out a very important benchmarking tool.

We will get better public health care off the back of fixing that what labour messed up. It is a shame that so much time and money was wasted!

Hopefully, the new model will embrace the good ideas that called for the reform.

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Wow. Complicated. Unsettling. Somewhat depressing.

Happy fkn Friday indeed.

As always, thanks.

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but, but, what about the IT systems?

They are a complete mess and it will cost$bill to fix, replace....

Until those are sorted, the rest is fiddling around the edges.

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Consider an unthinkable solution. The PM said there are many different health models and the USA was one he referred to. Without doubt he and those in Cabinet will have real experience with private health insurance based solutions. No who voted Labour in the 1980s dreamed they would introduce GST.

What is to stop the government selling off public hospitals and the valuable real estate they sit on together with the ACC fund ($50b in investments) to American Health Insurer AIG?

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